Atami ATA NRG Growth-C, 5L

Organic nutrition Atami ATA NRG Growth-C for organic cultivation in the growth phase. It helps the plant to form strong stems, green leaves and healthy plants. Volume 1 liter.
ATAMI ATA Organics Growth-C 5l, růstové hnojivo
43,89 EUR 36,27 EUR excl. VAT
Upon inquiry

Atami ATA Organics Growth-C biological growth fertilizer is a liquid organic fertilizer that supports healthy plant development and contains essential NPK nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). It promotes the growth of a strong, stable stem and green leaves. It helps to create new shoots, strengthens the overall health of the plant.

The nutrition is suitable for any growing medium. Do not use Atami ATA NRG Growth-C with calcium or in irrigation systems. For maximum yield, combine together with other fertilizers and supplements from the Atami Ata NRG range.

Dosage: / see documents

  • Mix in a ratio of 3-5ml/1l of water
  • Can be used daily from the beginning of the flowering period
  • To achieve the best results, we recommend combining with Bloom-C, Flavor products
  • Shake well before use

NPK 3-3-5

Store at room temperature. Shake well before use. Keep out of reach of children! It has a limited shelf life after opening. Do not swallow. Atami stimulators and liquid nutrition are sealed under a screw cap in a light-tight package, which guarantees the preservation of quality.

Nejvhodnější použití hnojiva.Základní výživa a živiny pro rostliny ve fázi růstu nebo květu.
Objem.5 L
Pouze organický, bio přípravek. Organické produkty spotřebujte po smíchání s vodou do 24 hodin.Ano
Typ hnojiva dle skupenství.Kapalná tekutá hnojiva na pěstování rostlin se dobře rozpouští ve vodě., Organická hnojiva na bio pěstování rostlin.

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