Atami ATA NRG Root-C, 1L

Bio root stimulator Atami ATA Organics Root-C, 1L for the growth phase. It supports the formation of roots, increases the plant's defenses and vitality.
35,82 EUR 29,60 EUR excl. VAT
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An organic extra supplement, Atami ATA Organics Root-C root stimulator is designed for all types of growing media. The root stimulator supports the healthy and high-quality development of the plant's root system and better absorption of nutrients.

It increases its vitality and defenses , and at the same time acts preventively against diseases, fungi or fungi.

Atami ATA NRG Root-C root stimulator is used throughout the growth period.

Use together with Atami Ata NRG fertilizers and supplements for maximum yield. Not intended for irrigation systems.

Dosage: / see documents

  • Mix in a ratio of 1-5ml/1l dressing
  • Atami Root-C can be used daily
  • Shake well before use.
  • He recommends using Root-C early in the growing cycle by the third to fourth week of the life cycle
  • Store at room temperature. Shake well before use. Keep out of reach of children! It has a limited shelf life after opening. Do not swallow. Atami stimulators and liquid nutrition are sealed under a screw cap in a light-tight package, which guarantees the preservation of quality.
    Nejvhodnější použití hnojiva.Rostlinný kořenový stimulátor podporuje rozvoj silných kořenů. Pro první týdny.
    Objem.1 L
    Pouze organický, bio přípravek. Organické produkty spotřebujte po smíchání s vodou do 24 hodin.Ano
    Typ hnojiva dle skupenství.Kapalná tekutá hnojiva na pěstování rostlin se dobře rozpouští ve vodě., Organická hnojiva na bio pěstování rostlin.

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