Bactrex Organic contains beneficial soil bacteria, actinomycetes, humic acids and Trichoderma . It is especially intended to protect young cuttings or seedlings from freshly germinated seeds against dangerous pathogens and fungi. Bactrex Biotabs dry powder improves soil fertility ecologically , protects the plant and effectively converts organic matter into nutrients.
Biotabs Bactrex 250g is well soluble in water and is intended for indoor and outdoor growing of plants in soil or coconut.
Dosage: Bactrex is a live product, once dissolved in water, the solution must be applied within 6 hours. Beware of over-fertilizing. one spoon per liter of water, one liter of dressing is enough for approximately 50 seedlings. Adhere to 1 liter of irrigation per m2, water once every 14 days.
Nejvhodnější použití hnojiva. | Rostlinné přípravky pro prevenci a ochranu rostlin před chorobami, škůdci, plísněmi, šoky. |
Pouze organický, bio přípravek. Organické produkty spotřebujte po smíchání s vodou do 24 hodin. | Ano |
Typ hnojiva dle skupenství. | Organická hnojiva na bio pěstování rostlin., Sypké hnojivo pro rostliny v podobě lehce aplikovatelných granulí. Přímo do půdy. |
Výrobce | Biotabs |
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