Filter CAN-Special 2100-2400m3/h, 250mm

High-performance odor filter with activated carbon Can Special with a capacity of 2100-2400m3/ha with a 250mm flange.
Filtr CAN-Special 2100-2800m3/h, příruba 250mm
405,6 EUR 335,2 EUR excl. VAT
In stock
In person at the storenow
Transport companiesMonday 17.2
Code038150250PNdélka 150cm, průměr 38cm, vrstva uhlí 50mmProducerCAN Filters B.V.

The most used and popular carbon filters in the Netherlands.

With high-quality pelletized activated carbon type CKV-4 (1 liter of pelletized activated carbon weighs 500 grams). Easy installation. High resistance and efficiency .

Lifetime of filters 24 months .

Coal layer 50mm

Filter diameter: 38cm

Flange 250mm

Height: 150cm

Weight: 63kg

Délka v cm.150 cm
Maximální průtok vzduchu.2400 m3/h
Průměr v mm.250 mm
VýrobceCAN Filters B.V.

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