The unique gas vaporizer Iolite for direct inhalation does not need electricity, it works on hot butane. Constant temperature, duration of 2 hours per charge.
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The Iolite pocket vaporizer is unique due to its vaporization method. The mechanism maintains the set temperature, the reaction of butane with oxygen takes place inside the device and does not affect human health in any way.
Vaporization takes place using hot butane gas at a constant temperature of 190 degrees Celsius, which you cannot regulate in any way. After switching on the device, it takes about 45 seconds for the heating chamber to heat up to the desired level. One butane filling lasts for about two hours of vaping.
The butane device for vaporizing herbs Iolite is made of high-quality plastic and can be filled with commercially available butane. The package of the Iolite vaporizer includes a manual and accessories in the form of a mouthpiece, strainer, cleaning stick, case.
Typ určuje velikost a konstrukce vaporizéru. | Odolný kapesní vaporizér. |
Vaporizéry pro suché byliny, liquidy a oleje, nebo koncentráty. | Na vaporizaci suchých bylin. |
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